Reconnect: The Mouth and Society

053Laura has taken a series of photographs and sound recordings of people in and around Sheffield eating their lunchtime meal. They offer a glimpse into how the structure of our lives – our age, our background, our family and work commitments – affect the time we have available to eat. This can go on to influence what we eat, how and who with. More and more of us in the UK seem to be leaving the regular, ritual, communal meal behind us and eating alone. As we are generally coerced into dedicating less time to our daytime meal we can ask how much impact this might have on the balance of our lives and what we might lose. Will we miss the sharing of conversation and stories, the good quality food and the time for reflection and digestion too? The work is inspired by Dr. Barry Gibson, Reader in Medical Sociology, at the School of Dentistry, University of Sheffield.


You can view the video here:

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