Social Engagement

I facilitate community art workshops and work as a socially engaged practitioner creating art with people in a way which involves social interaction and debate, encourages well being and gives people more of a voice.

I have worked with people at schools, colleges and universities, with homeless people, vulnerable women, asylum seekers and refugees, people with mental health issues, people with dementia, with illness without a cure, with learning difficulties in parks, villages and cities, libraries, churches and streets.

Most of what we do involves participatory photography, film, audio, collage or sculpture.  Much of the work is exhibited to the public.

Below are images of some of the processes and results of peoples’ work.


Past work has included:

Community Foundation Studies / Sheffield College – devising and facilitating a variety of creative workshops around basic skills literacy and confidence building for “hard to reach” 16-19-year-olds.
The Challenge Network – devising, facilitating and training practitioners to run cross-generational photography workshops – working with different communities including young people, older people, people with learning disabilities and homeless people.
Ignite Imaginations – facilitating photography workshops with different groups including small village communities, mental health groups, people with learning disabilities, young people, older people, LGBT groups working at festivals, schools, colleges, parks, city streets, village greens and many communities.
Peace in the Park – running the Kids’ Field.
Out/Side/Film – project managing and facilitating workshops and events with members of the older Irish community.

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